Holiday Break
Happy Holidays! No School Classes
Happy Holidays! No School Classes
Early Discount Registration is open online for Summer Dance 2021 Early Discount ends April 30
Last Day of Fall/1st Semester
SPRING - Second Semester Begins!
No School Classes Mid-Winter Break
No School Classes Mid-Winter Break
School Spring Break No school classes
Last day of early registration discount Tuition increase after April 30.
Last Day of School
Summer Dance Session 1 Children's Program Student/Youth Program
Summer Dance Session 2 Student/Youth Program
Four week Summer Intensive Students ages 11-14+ years
Fun Raiser Performance A performance produced and choreographed by Intensive students
ARC Dance Productions Presents the Romeo & Juliet Project - A Cinematic Ballet Filmed at Seattle’s Benaroya Hall - ARC Dance offers a new twist to the central story of Romeo & Juliet. Choreographed by Artistic Director Marie Chong, this cinematic dance version updates the...
ARC Dance Productions Presents the Romeo & Juliet Project - A Cinematic Ballet Filmed at Seattle’s Benaroya Hall - ARC Dance offers a new twist to the central story of Romeo & Juliet. Choreographed by Artistic Director Marie Chong, this cinematic dance version updates the...
Fall Classes Begin!
Nutcracker Sweets auditions for registered students in the Creative Movement, Pre-Ballet, and Elementary 1 through 4 levels of the School. If you are a registered student in the Intermediate level of the School, you do NOT need to audition this year. Details and information will...
Nutcracker Sweets Rehearsals!
Nutcracker Sweets Rehearsals
Nutcracker Sweets Rehearsals
Nutcracker Sweets Rehearsals
Nutcracker Sweets Rehearsals
Nutcracker Sweets Rehearsals
Thanksgiving Break No School Classes
Nutcracker Sweets Rehearsal
Nutcracker Sweets Rehearsal
Nutcracker Sweets Dress Rehearsal
Nutcracker Sweets Performance
Nutcracker Sweets Performances 2:00pm & 7:00pm
Nutcracker Sweet Performance 2:00pm & 5:00pm
Nutcracker Sweets Performance
Nutcracker Sweets Performances 2:00pm & 7:00pm
Nutcracker Sweets Performance 2:00pm & 5:00pm
Nutcracker Sweets Performance
Nutcracker Sweets Performances 2:00pm & 7:00pm
Nutcracker Sweets Performances 2:00pm & 5:00pm
Holiday Break No School Classes
Last Day of 1st Semester
2nd Semester Begins
Mid-Winter Break No School Classes
Spring Break - No School Classes
Watch Week returns May 10 - 14, 2022 *Please check ARC's updated COVID-19 policies before you go. CLASS OBSERVATION/WATCH WEEKThe observation is special and open to parents/guardians and family members only. This is an opportunity for guests to experience the progression of a ballet class...
All School Demonstration Performance. Saturday, June 4, 2022 Two Performances 1:00pm and 4:00pm More info and to purchase tickets - HERE
Last day of the school year!
$15 SNEAK PEAK 2022 Friday, July 22 at 6pm Hosted by Marie Chong, Artistic Director and Choreographer Marika Brussel Please join us for an inside look at ARC Dance Company as we prepare two distinct world premiere dance works for our upcoming Summer Dance 2022...
ARC Company’s Summer Season 2022 ARC Dance Company is happy to announce the resumption of its popular summer season. The program features new choreography by Sean Kelly (Resident Director/Associate Choreographer, An American In Paris tour), Stephanie Rae Williams (dancer, Dance Theatre of Harlem), Marika Brussel (freelance...
ARC Dance Company performs at Icicle Creek Center for the Arts ARC Dance performs a program of different dances by a variety of choreographers at the Snowy Owl Theater. The selection of dances range from brand new works to old favorites such as excerpts of...
MEET & GREET ICE CREAM SOCIAL is BACK! Sunday, September 11th 2:30pm-3:30pm ARC Dance Space - 9250 14th Ave NW and the Crown Hill Park (weather permitting). Join us for our annual ice cream social gathering to meet our new and returning faculty, students, tour...
First Semester Begins.
To participate or not, that is the question? Nutcracker Sweets Orientation This meeting is to inform students and families about the commitment to participate in a production like Nutcracker Sweets. Whether you have performed before or this is your first Nutcracker Sweets, each year our...
Nutcracker Sweets Auditions for the School. Subject to change Saturday, October 1 2:00-2:30pm Intermediate 1 2:30-2:45pm Creative Movement and Pre-Ballet 2:45-3:00pm Elementary 1 & 2 3:00-3:30pm Elementary 3 & 4 3:30-4:00pm Intermediate 2,3 & 4 Students must be registered for the full school year (Sept-...
Nutcracker Sweets Tickets go on sale at 10am!
Nutcracker Sweets Rehearsals Begin! Rehearsals for Nutcracker Sweets are primarily on Saturdays and some Sundays October through December. Details can be found in the Nutcracker information packet given at orientation. Also please keep a look out for emails in regard to rehearsals.
Community Sharing performances are presented to residents of assisted and retirement living communities as well as local neighborhood events. Our Community Sharing performances are presented FREE and designed to share the grace and beauty of dance in a social inter generational experience. Excerpts of Nutcracker...
Community Sharing performances are presented to residents of assisted and retirement living communities as well as local neighborhood events. Our Community Sharing performances are presented FREE and designed to share the grace and beauty of dance in a social inter generational experience. Monday, November 14...
Community Sharing performances are presented to residents of assisted and retirement living communities as well as local neighborhood events. Our Community Sharing performances are presented FREE and designed to share the grace and beauty of dance in a social inter generational experience. Excerpts of Nutcracker...
Thanksgiving Break! No School classes during this time. If you are in Nutcracker Sweets, there will be rehearsal.
There are NO regularly scheduled Intermediate classes on this day. Please schedule make-up classes through the office and prior to the end of the semester.
There are NO regularly scheduled Intermediate classes on this day. Due to performances of Nutcracker Sweets at Icicle Creek Center for the Arts in Leavenworth, WA Please schedule make-up classes through the office and prior to the end of the semester.
Buy Tickets ARC Dance is pleased to bring Nutcracker Sweets to the Snowy Owl Theater for three performances of this holiday classic on: Friday, December 2nd, 2022 at 7:30PM Saturday, December 3, 2022 at 2:00PM Saturday, December 3, 2022 at 7:30PM This much-loved holiday ballet...
There are NO regularly scheduled Intermediate classes on this day. Due to performances of Nutcracker Sweets at Icicle Creek Center for the Arts in Leavenworth, WA Please schedule make-up classes through the office and prior to the end of the semester.
There are NO regularly scheduled Intermediate classes or Jazz 2 (2:00-3:00pm) on this day. Due to performances of Nutcracker Sweets at Icicle Creek Center for the Arts in Leavenworth, WA Please schedule make-up classes through the office and prior to the end of the semester.
Holiday Picture Day with Mr. Nigel Cooper. Order forms are in the ARCTimes. Please print out and bring check or cash with you.
There are NO regularly scheduled Intermediate classes on this day. Due to performances of Nutcracker Sweets at the ARC Dance Performance Space. Please schedule make-up classes through the office and prior to the end of the semester.
Nutcracker Sweets Performances at ARC: December 9 at 7:00pm - SOLD OUT December 10 at 2:00pm - SOLD OUT December 10 at 7:00pm - SOLD OUT December 11 at 2:00pm - SOLD OUT December 11 at 5:00pm - SOLD OUT ARC Dance brings the magic...
There are NO regularly scheduled Intermediate classes on this day. Due to performances of Nutcracker Sweets at the ARC Dance Performance Space. Please schedule make-up classes through the office and prior to the end of the semester.
Students planning on participating in the year end School Showcase performance, please pay early costume fee. After December 9, 2022 there is a costume fee increase. Payment should be done by check to ARC Dance or cash.
There are NO regularly scheduled School classes on this day. Due to performances of Nutcracker Sweets at the ARC Dance Performance Space. Please schedule make-up classes through the office and prior to the end of the semester.
There are NO regularly scheduled Intermediate classes on this day. Due to rehearsal and performances of Nutcracker Sweets at Shorewood Performing Arts Center. Please schedule make-up classes through the office and prior to the end of the semester.
There are NO regularly scheduled Elementary or Intermediate classes on this day. Due to performances and rehearsals of Nutcracker Sweets at Shorewood Performing Arts Center. Please schedule make-up classes through the office and prior to the end of the semester.
Buy Tickets This holiday season ARC Dance brings Nutcracker Sweets back to the Shorewood Performing Arts Center in Shoreline for two performances only: December 17 at 1:00pm December 17 at 5:00pm - SOLD OUT All reserved seating. This much-loved holiday ballet includes the talented students...
There are NO regularly scheduled Elementary, Intermediate, or Jazz classes on this day. Due to performances of Nutcracker Sweets at Shorewood Performing Arts Center. Please schedule make-up classes through the office and prior to the end of the semester.
Holiday Break! No School Classes during this time
School Classes Resume
Spring - Second Semester Begins
No School classes on this day for Mid-Winter Break. All classes resume on Wednesday.
This workshop is Full. Circus Workshop with Cirque du Soleil Artists - $60 In this two hour circus arts workshop participants will join Santé D'Amours Fortunato and Alexandr Yudintsev explore hula hoop manipulation as well as some basic aerial/circus conditioning routines. No Experience necessary for...
Spring Break! No School Classes
School Showcase tickets go on sale!
Showcase Pictures and Class pictures will be taken on this day by Mr. Nigel. No Classes on this day for: Elem 3&4 Int 1&2 Attire- School Uniform Hair: Girls– must be nicely secured in a ballet bun (just like performance) Boys- pulled away from face...
All School Showcase Rehearsal at ARC. Students performing in the Showcase have a Full - Run rehearsal on this day. 3:00-4:30pm Full-Run rehearsal
School Showcase Rehearsal at Shorewood PAC
NEVERLAND SOLD OUT! One Performance only. All reserved seating. Saturday, June 3 at 4:00pm Shorewood Performing Arts Center This Performance is SOLD OUT. Join us as we celebrate our students in our biennial school showcase performance of NEVERLAND! Director Marie Chong has adapted the original...
Last Day of School Year Classes
A Three-Week Program for Children Ages 3-5+ June 12 – June 30, 2023 45 Minute Classes, Two Times per Week
Two Sessions three weeks each Session 1: JUNE 12- JUNE 30, 2023 Session 2: AUGUST 7 – AUGUST 25, 2023 Student Youth Program Provides an environment for ages 6–10+ yrs, that continues exploration of learned dance skills and creative expression. Intermediate Pre-Teen/Teen Ballet For students that...
The Dance Lab: Two week Conditioning Intensive Ages 12 – 14+ years July 5 through July 19, 2023 (classes begin on Wednesday and operate on weekdays) The Dance Lab is a two week conditioning intensive for dancers that offers small-group instruction in GYROTONIC®, GYROKINESIS® Pilates,...
ARC DANCE TO HOST INAUGURAL GALA PERFORMANCES OF DANCE ARTISTS IN THE ASSEMBLÉ FESTIVAL Friday, July 14 at 8:00pm & Saturday, July 15 at 2:00pm Bagley Wright Theater at Seattle Center ARC Dance is launching the Assemblé Festival, a gathering of professional dance artists from...
4-week Open Dance Intensive for ages 11-14+ August 7 through September 1, 2023 The Open Dance Intensive offers four (4 ) weeks of classes in Ballet, Pointe, Jazz/Tap/Modern/Musical Theater. There is no audition for the Open Dance Intensive program. Students have the option of choosing...
Two Sessions three weeks each Session 1: JUNE 12- JUNE 30, 2023 Session 2: AUGUST 7 – AUGUST 25, 2023 Student Youth Program Provides an environment for ages 6–10+ yrs, that continues exploration of learned dance skills and creative expression. Intermediate Pre-Teen/Teen Ballet For students that...
Join us for our annual start of the School year meet & greet ice cream social.
First day of School classes!
Nutcracker Sweets Orientation For families considering participating in Nutcracker Sweets this year, this orientation will help answer any questions you may have as well as important dates to reserve for rehearsals and performances.
Nutcracker Sweets Audition for registered students of the School. Students must be registered for the entire 2023-2024 school year in order to be eligible to audition.
Nutcracker Rehearsals Begin!
Nutcracker Tickets go on sale at 10am!
Nutcracker Sweets Community Sharing Performance at Ballard Landmark
Nutcracker Sweets Community Sharing Performance at Aegis Living Greenwood
Thanksgiving Break no School classes There will be Nutcracker Sweets Rehearsals during this break.
Nutcracker Sweets Rehearsals on these days