Note: Avoid using powders, lotions, oils, and creams that may have contact with our equipment and floors. Clothing that has been exposed to fabric softener or dryer sheets should not come in contact with our floors or fitness equipment.
Please refrain from using perfume or strongly scented lotions as some individuals have allergies to these products and the oils can stain the equipment and flooring.
What to wear:
Choose attire that allows you to breathe, bend, stretch and that you feel comfortable moving in. Please do not wear attire that has zippers or exposed snaps. Any sharp accessories on clothing may puncture, destroy equipment, flooring, or yourself- and is not safe. Fitted clothing is helpful as to not catch on equipment or get tangled. The instructor can also better assess your form.
Feet coverings are recommended for some Conditioning Intensive classes.
Footwear recommendations: socks, grip socks, yoga socks, non-slip open toed socks, etc.
Supplies to bring:
- yoga mat
- 60″ Thera band
- weight lifting gloves (aerial dance)
- towel
- Water bottle
- Snacks for break
Find out more about – GYROTONIC®
Find out more about – GYROKINESIS®
Pilates – Joseph Pilates (1880-1968) is widely known for his development of specific mat and equipment-based movement exercises, the original practice has evolved significantly over the years. At the core of this method of exercise, Pilates addresses muscle strength and flexibility to improve postural alignment, balance, and coordination. There are many different approaches to teaching Pilates today.
Aerial dance class utilizes low flying aerial trapeze and fabric. Students will be hanging upside down, spinning, and suspended off the ground.
The Dance Lab: Conditioning Intensive will focus on applying this method of exercise to compliment dancers in their practice.
Dress code should be one solid color. No accessories or different color patterns are to be attached or worn on dress code uniform.
Girls and Women
Ballet – Any color leotard, pink footed tights and pink leather or canvas ballet slippers. **Spiral notebook/journal to write in.
Pointe/Variations – Any color leotard, pink tights, wrap skirt, pointe shoes if you have them.
Jazz/Musical Theater – Any color leotard, unitard, pink/black tights, Jazz pants, black *lace up* jazz shoes.
Character (when offered) – Elastic waist black mid-calf length character skirt, 1.5″ heel black character shoes.
Modern (when offered)- Any color leotard or unitard, pink/black tights ballet shoes or socks please.
Partnering/Pas de deux (when offered) – Any color leotard, pink footed tights, and pointe shoes. No jewelry to be worn. Leotards should be simple and not have excessive straps or decorations.
Tap/Broadway Musical Theater – Any color leotard, flesh footed tights,
minimum 1.5″ heel black/beige TAP heels (Theatricals 1.5 heel #19800/Capezio 2.5″ heel #657).
Choreography (when offered) – Any color leotard or unitard, pink/black tights or Jazz pants ** Spiral notebook/journal to write in.
Conditioning (when offered) – Any color leotard pink/black tights or yoga pants and socks.** SUPPLIES to have: Yoga Mat, bath towel, 60″ theraband and stretching strap/belt. Spiral notebook/journal to write in.
HAIR for ALL Classes: Please have hair securely tied away from the face. Students with long hair should put hair in a nice secure ballet bun.
Boys and Men
Ballet – Any color t–shirt or leotard, dance belt, black or gray tights, socks, black or white shoes to match tights.**Spiral notebook/journal to write in.
Men’s Technique (when offered) – Any color t–shirt or leotard, dance belt, black or gray tights, socks, black or white shoes to match tights.
Jazz/Musical Theater – Any color t–shirt or leotard, dance belt, black tights or Jazz pants, black *lace up* jazz shoes.
Modern (when offered)- Any color t–shirt or leotard, dance belt, black tights or Jazz pants, ballet shoes or socks.
Partnering/Pas de deux (when offered)- Any color t–shirt or leotard, dance belt, black or gray tights, socks, black or white shoes to match tights.No jewelry to be worn.
Character/Musical Theater – Any color t–shirt or leotard, dance belt, black jazz pants, black jazz shoes or black heeled character shoes.
Tap/Broadway Musical Theater – Any color t–shirt or leotard, dance belt, black jazz pants,
TAP shoes (lace up tap shoes Theatricals #19500/Capezio #443).
Choreography (when offered) – Any color t–shirt or leotard, dance belt, black tights or jazz pants ** Spiral notebook/journal to write in.
Conditioning (when offered)- Any color t-shirt or leotard black tights or yoga pants and socks.** SUPPLIES to bring: Yoga Mat, bath towel, 60″ theraband, and stretching strap/belt. Spiral notebook/journal to write in.
HAIR for ALL Classes: Hair should be secured away from the face. Products (i.e. hair spray, mousse) or bandana/head bands may be used.
Discount Dance Supply offers a 5-10% discount to ARC Dancers. To apply discount, enter
TP56153 during online checkout.